M-m-m-my Corona!

This coronavirus outbreak has wreaked havoc on my work/school/life balance. For a couple of weeks the breakdown seemed to be…doing some quick math…100/0/0%. Working for Mason, which was quickly thrown into disarray, meant I spent most of my waking hours answering emails from panic stricken students, staff, and community members, called into endless emergency meetings, and just generally trying to figure out how the school functions in a remote-only environment. Things finally seem to be settling down into, if not normalcy, at least, a regular routine for the time being, which has allowed me to survey the things that were left unattended to for nearly a month: personal hygiene, and schoolwork. This blog is dedicated to the later (email me for a link to my blog about the former) so this entry is part one of playing catch up.

We were asked to take inventory of various supplies we may have laying around the house for at-home projects going forward. Luckily, I always have a lot of crap on hand, and my stockpile is at peak volume thanks to an ill-advised shopping spree I went on in preparation for the stop motion video project. This is just what I could fit on the page, I have, conservatively, 1000 more things.


The hardest part of this assignment wasn’t taking inventory, it was, sadly, the drawing element. Usually this is my favorite activity (I got a degree in it purely for personal interest) but drawing for me is like long distance running: If you don’t exercise those muscles and loosen up regularly, you’re going to get stiff and feel like garbage afterwards. I haven’t picked up a pen or pencil in weeks, and I’m definitely feeling the rust. Oh well, it’s just a sketch. Hopefully I’ll be able to get into a rhythm again soon. For now, onto the next overlooked assignment…